Next to Nowhere aims to be an inclusive and accessible space, we are committed to improving the accessibility of the space wherever possible.

Location - The entrance is off a slightly slanted pavement which is tiled (not smoothly). There are parking spaces available on the street although these are limited and often there are none vacant immediately adjacent to the entrance. There is a slight incline up to the door but no step.

Stairwell & Lift – The stairs into the space are reasonably steep and involve two corners, there is a handrail for the majority of the way down. There is a lift which can fit in one person in a wheelchair but not at the same time as somebody accompanying them. The lift is well maintained but it is old, and use is restricted to one person at a time.

Floor & steps - The flooring is made of grey flagstones, and is uneven. There is a low step at the entrance to the kitchen and a low step at the entrance to the toilet (see below).

Visual – The walls in the stairwell are plain white. In the café area the walls are adorned with various posters and paintings, many with bright colours. In the large room it is dim even when lit but there are still colourful posters and murals on most of the walls. The kitchen is a peach colour and quite a bright room. The flagstones on the floor are dark grey.

Air – The space is in a basement and there are no windows so the air can get dusty. There is a ventilation fan that is left on (apart from when the noise interrupts a meeting/film etc). It is still something to bear in mind for someone who may have trouble breathing in dusty environments.

Toilet – The space has a single toilet and it is not wheelchair accessible, sorry. There is a small step up at the entrance to the toilet. We plan to have a ramp at the entrance and to fit a handrail within the cubicle. In the meantime, there is a groundfloor accessible toilet nearby around the corner in FACT on Wood Street - the building there is open until 9pm.

Animals – The space is dog-friendly although we ask that everyone be mindful of how well the dogs that accompany them to the space interact with other dogs (as there are fairly frequently dogs in the space). This is for the comfort of the dogs as well as other people. Dogs should be kept out of the kitchen.

Please inform us if you are aware of a way that our space can be improved to become more accessible for yourself or others.

Liverpool Social Centre Collective