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Echo Refugee Library Exhibition & Talk
Saturday 04 November 2017, 04:00pm - 08:00pm

Volunteers from Echo Refugee Library will talk about the project's work in Greece - running a mobile library in refugee camps. 

4 - 6pm - the mobile library van will be parked outside on Bold Street, showing a digital exhibition of photos and videos, and people can also take books for donation.

 6pm - the library volunteers will give a talk in the social centre

"The closure of the Greece-FYROM border in March 2016 left tens of thousands of refugees with no way forward. Over the last 18 months, we have witnessed incredibly difficult moments - boat arrivals in Lesvos, violent riots and protests, cruel and sudden camp evictions - to situations filled with hope - people getting on aeroplanes to reunite with family members, and seeing them settle in their new homes.

Our hope is to share some of the stories, and introduce some of the people we came to know during our time as volunteers in Greece. In August of last year Laura and myself decided to start a library project, motivated by what we felt was a gap in education and employment support for young adults in the refugee community. The situation in Greece constantly evolves but remains stagnant, and the endless waiting, coupled with a lack of access to employment and education opportunities, is taking its toll on those whose lives are forced to stay 'on pause'. We want to shed light on this issue, and emphasize the importance of making these opportunities available.

We want to share interviews, portraits, and photographs collected by ourselves and other journalists and photographers that visited Greece. You can see a selection of these photographs here. Through our mobile library project we were able to interact with people in a way that the context doesn't always allow for: in a situation where it is easy for the large number of refugees to become a faceless crowd, or numbers on a distribution spreadsheet, we want to highlight the unique individuality we were able to get a glimpse of through unique book requests, educational interests and employment ambitions."